16 Best Guest Stars In Red Dwarf

4. Jake Wood - Kill Crazy


The man that many will know as Max Branning from EastEnders, the boxing fan and podcaster had a notable role in series eight as one of the inmates. Part of the Canary detail, Jake played the fighting obsessed Kill Crazy. His raison d’être seemed to be to launch headfirst into whatever situation involved fighting regardless of the probable outcome.

His boxing knowledge comes across well with his character, who briefly discusses how you could beat a T-Rex. They have short arms so are susceptible to being kept away with a strong jab.

He also has one of the best line-slapstick comedy combo. Clearly pumped up he screams, “Let’s go kill somethiiing!!!”, before promptly knocking himself out by exiting the spacecraft with too much exuberance and hitting his head. Truly divine.

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Writer on wrestling, music and comedy - and sometimes all three at once