16 Best Guest Stars In Red Dwarf

2. Jane Horrocks - Nirvanah Crane


Outside of Yvonne McGruder and Rachel his polythene pal, Rimmer hasn’t had many love interests. That was until the Holoship made an appearance and Rimmer met Nirvanah Crane.

Jane Horrocks plays the erudite woman with whom Rimmer falls in love. As everyone on the ship is hologrammatic, it means he can finally experience human touch again. This leads to them making love but gets likened to a Japanese meal: “small servings but so many courses”.

Horrocks is better known for her roles as Bubbles in Absolutely Fabulous and younger readers will remember her as Babs in Chicken Run (“my life flashed before my eyes... it were dead boring”).

In this role she manages to show that it is possible for someone with laudable qualities to love Rimmer, which is no mean feat.

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