17 Hottest New TV Shows Debuting This Summer

Because why go outside when you can stay in and watch Netflix?

Summer is traditionally the in-between period for television. The big network shows that start in fall - the likes of The Walking Dead and Arrow - have been ended for a good few weeks at least, and while there€™s plenty speculation on the next series, they won€™t begin until the leaves on the trees are turning brown. Meanwhile, the heavyweights of the shorter-run format - Game of Thrones, Mad Men et al - are also drawing to a close. Normally this would be a time for channels to dump some garbage reality show, or a load of repeats, because it€™s summer, so people are less likely to be inside watching TV. But television is a huge business, one that€™s only getting bigger, and as such they can€™t afford to take a summer vacation. Nowadays the TV landscape from the start of June until around the end of August is just as packed with exciting shows as October or April. Returning series this summer include Orange Is The New Black, True Detective, Hannibal, Pretty Little Liars, Masters of Sex and more - all shows that garner a lot of audience and critical love, and could probably hold their own regardless of what time of year it is. There€™s no sign of it letting up anytime soon either, with a whole host of new shows set to debut over the coming weeks. Since going outside is overrated, and it€™s probably raining anyway, here€™s a look at the 17 hottest new shows to stay in and watch regardless of the weather outside€
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NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.