17 Most Paused TV Moments Of 2017

10. DJ Qualls Gets Decapitated - Fargo

Fargo Mary Elizabeth Winstead DJ Qualls

Though Road Trip was released almost 20 years ago, DJ Qualls is still best remembered for playing Kyle, the rail-thin, mousy nerd who gets dragged on the titular trip with his pals and ends up comically making love to a black woman several times his size (who subsequently becomes his girlfriend).

Qualls made a surprise appearance in Fargo's terrific third season in a totally against-type role, playing a Narwhal assassin credited simply as "Golem."

Golem spends his brief spell on the show chasing down Nikki (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) and Wes Wrench (Russell Harvard), but in the series' eighth episode, "Who Rules the Land of Denial?", they just barely manage to subdue him.

When he attacks, Nikki and Wrench use a chain to seemingly strangle Golem to death against a tree stump, but they exert enough force to tear the chain through Golem's neck, and after a few moments, his head slides clean off.

It's an hilariously brutal moment, and one that's all the more bizarre and funny because it features Qualls of all people.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.