17 Visually Stunning TV Opening Credits

13. The Twilight Zone

True Detective

The 20th Century was no stranger to great opening sequences. Shows like The Avengers (not Marvel) and Mission: Impossible (not Tom Cruise) are suave, thrilling, and sophisticated. Yet if we’re going off visuals alone, you can’t get more iconic, and atmospheric, than The Twilight Zone.

These opening credits have gone through several reiterations over the years, yet the season four and five version excel above them all. Constantly parodied, the opening credits whisk the viewer through a door into “another dimension.” The ghostly images of windows shattering and floating eyes successfully set the eerie tone of episodes to follow.

The Twilight Zone's title sequence truly stands the test of time. It’s no wonder the 2019 version tried to pay as much homage as possible to the originals.

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A journalist who can't fall asleep during films; it's a blessing and a curse. Indie games are the spice of my life.