20 Best South Park Characters Of All Time

10. Jesus

South Park
Comedy Central

Best Episode: Super Best Friends, S5 Ep 3

It's no wonder that the messiah and son of god is a fan favourite and a recurrent character in South Park, even having his own talk show!

Jesus has been a constant character for the show since the word go, having a part to play in both of the original concept episodes for South Park and then subsequently taking part in some of the shows most famous and often most controversial episodes.

The Super Best Friends episode, famous for depicting Muhammad before the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy, sees Jesus leading a rag tag team of heroes made up of famous religious figure heads against cultist David Blaine. This episode shows perfectly  Jesus is so popular in to fans. The fact that no one in South Park is surprised by Jesus repeated appearances allows him to be seen as more of a super hero than a messiah, and makes him more relatable for the average South Park audience member who is more than likely as atheist as they come.

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TV and Film fanatic with too much time on her hands and a penchant for fast food and handsome men, not necessarily in that order. Self proclaimed 'funny one' among family and friends.