20 Best South Park Characters Of All Time

8. Jimmy Valmer

South Park
Comedy Central

Best Episode: Krazy Kripples, S7 Ep 2

Even though Jimmy was not the first disabled character that Parker and Stone would create, he certainly had one of the most controversial entrances to the show.

Being introduced to South Park in an episode entitled 'Cripple Fights', Jimmy's main function upon arrival was to act as an enemy for Timmy, originally the only disabled character in the show. However, Jimmy became the more popular of the two characters, probably because he could say more than one word and also because of his heart warming friendship with Timmy later on.

Jimmy's popularity only grew with episodes like 'Krazy Kripples' and 'Up The Down Steroid', primarily down to Jimmy's overly friendly nature and skills as a stand up comedian.

The best thing about Jimmy is that after his introduction Parker and Stone treat him the same as every other character, his disability is mocked even less than Kyle's religion or Cartman's weight. 

Jimmy is there as a character to remind us that everything is up for a grilling in South Park and nothing is meant to be taken personally.

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TV and Film fanatic with too much time on her hands and a penchant for fast food and handsome men, not necessarily in that order. Self proclaimed 'funny one' among family and friends.