20 Best South Park Characters Of All Time

7. Mr Mackey

South Park
Comedy Central

Best Episode: Insheeption, S14 Ep 10

Mr Mackey has been the school counselor for the the most disturbed children in TV history and has rightly earned his place on this list.

Being one of the most unusual looking characters in South Park, apparently due to his tie being too tight, Mackey has been a distinctive member of the community since his first season debut due to his simple catchphrase and ability to remain calm in even the strangest situations brought to him.

Mackey's appeal comes hand in hand with the fact that he is completely out of his depth, his job alone guarantees him to be involved in some way in most of the boys misdemeanors, and while the boys have grown, Mackey has grown with them. 

From starting as a sprightly disciplinarian eager to help the kids and get them involved in the community, Mr Mackey has become so accustomed to the boys antics that he has, in recent episodes, taken a much more defeated attitude to the strange goings on and has even sided with Cartman on some of his more morally dubious pranks.

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TV and Film fanatic with too much time on her hands and a penchant for fast food and handsome men, not necessarily in that order. Self proclaimed 'funny one' among family and friends.