20 Best South Park Characters Of All Time

12. Michael Jackson

South Park
Comedy Central

Best Episode: The Jeffersons, S8 Ep 6

Although some may see the use of Michael Jackson in many South Park episodes as slightly distasteful, those people probably aren't used to the mantra that Parker and Stone live by; Anything goes.

Even after his death in 2009 the pair decided to base an entire episode around him holding up a flight to the afterlife because of his attempts to fulfil his lifelong dream of being recognised as a young girl, even suggesting that he was sent to hell a the end of the episode. 

Fans of Jackson may have never appreciated his depiction, but the use of his trademark moves and noises, as well as his plastic surgery rumours, made for a delightful comedy mix up that tickled all of the funny bones of South Park fans. 

His debut episode in Seaon 8 with his son Blanket portrayed Jackson as something of a nightmarish mess that was so horrifying, fans could not help but laugh at the least politically correct depiction of a celebrity known in television history.

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TV and Film fanatic with too much time on her hands and a penchant for fast food and handsome men, not necessarily in that order. Self proclaimed 'funny one' among family and friends.