20 Best Ways To Celebrate Community's Renewal

11. Watch Cougar Town

thewrap.comABCAbed loved it, he was even in it! One of the coolest things about Community is the Cougar town cross over. Laurie and Travis in the crowd at the end of paintball, Abed sat in Gulf Haven while they discuss Travis€™ move to Hawaii, its perfect television. It€™s a show that€™s still going, and as of the new renewal, now completely mimicking the path of Community, entering into its 6th season. So sure, Abed pooped his pants, but that doesn€™t mean it€™s not worth watching€ if anything it means the opposite. Six seasons and a movie!

10. Get Rating

Community 2NBCSometimes things don€™t work out, sometimes silly little apps cause apocalyptic damage and segregation. But isn't that preferable to a world without meowmeowbeanz? And more than that, isn€™t that preferable to a world without Community? Community fans will agree that rating everyone and everything with MeowMeowBeanz is the way forward; the start of a true, an honest, a fair society. So rate this idea 5 MeowMeowBeanz! Download the MeowMeowBeanz app and start handing out MeowMeowBeanz, and if things get out of hand, just wipe some mustard on your face and SORT. IT. OUT.

9. Sing-A-Long

community kingNBCNo one does a musical episode like Community. The glee club is dead in a horrific bus crash, you€™re set adrift above a forest in a hot air balloon or lost on the search for the meaning of Christmas. What do you do? Sing of course! The Greendale gang, sing in the good times and the bad! They are going to be less weird and they€™re going to finally be fine - so you should do the same!
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