20 Contestants Who Really Couldn’t Handle Takeshi's Castle

6. Knock Knock Fail

When you know there are solid wood doors that won't budge and you are trying to find the paper door to move through to the next set, it's probably not the best strategy to lead with your head. A concussion and hospital visit probably followed for this unwise contestant after his collision with the wooden door.

5. Wipeout Fail 2

A total facepalm moment from the start from this contestant, who is too timid with her approach. It's not quite the Hokey Cokey but she puts her left leg on, her body flips off. On off, on off, shake the water off. She does a full 360 and ends up red faced: that's not what it's all about! Hey!

4. Avalanche Fail

When the aim of the game is to avoid the massive boulders, it's a good idea not to run straight into them. This contestant chooses to avoid the cubbyholes to dodge the rocks and instead eats three boulders, falling painfully down to the bottom of the course. The Raiders Of The Lost Ark would have ended very quickly if this bloke was Indiana Jones!

3. Rice Bowl Downhill Fail

This beauty contains two fails: the contestant falls out of the rice bowl so early on up the slope and then falls over again painfully when chasing it. The joy comes from watching the frantic run of the contestant and his subsequent injury inducing slip into the slope, when he would have eliminated already for falling out. Ricely done!

2. Skipping Stones Fail 2

You know someone hasn't quite grasped how a game works when they eliminate themselves at the start of the game. This contestant probably needs the air putting back in him after being winded so badly by the stone. Some new ribs probably wouldn't go amiss either during his hospital visit!

1. Contestant Cheer Fail

Many contestants strike a pose or perform a cheer before they start a game. The games themselves cause injuries but this fellow takes it to the next level. His flip goes so horribly wrong, it is amazing he isn't paralyzed and that he got up to fail on Skipping Stones afterwards. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the number one contestant who couldn't handle Takeshi's Castle. Did you guys watch this show? Perhaps you're yet to check it out and come the end of this piece you're now questioning life in relation to this ridiculously eccentric show? Let us know in the comments!

31 year old father of one with a background in sport. Still a child at heart, which is probably why I like wrestling, TV and films so much. If you like what you read, please follow me on Twitter: @glen_naylor