20 Doctor Who Moments We'll NEVER Forget

6. Nine Meets The Dalek (Dalek)

Doctor Who Sarah Jane School Reunion
BBC Studios

Tom Baker's contemplation of genocide in Genesis of the Daleks is terrific, but it is ultimately a speech. So instead, let's consider the Daleks' return to Doctor Who in 2005, a scene that is the meatiest bit of Doctor/Dalek dialogue since the Fourth Doctor contemplated touching two wires together.

Christopher Eccleston proves he was absolutely the right choice to relaunch Doctor Who with prestige and gravitas in just a few minutes. He goes from utter terror at being locked inside with a Dalek to an almost cruel mockery when he realises it's unarmed, to frothing rage and chest-puffing pride at destroying the Daleks once and for all.

An astonishingly raw performance never seen before in Doctor Who, and one of the most unforgettable Dalek scenes of all time.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.