20 Doctor Who Moments We'll NEVER Forget

5. Amy And The Apple (The Eleventh Hour)

Doctor Who Sarah Jane School Reunion
BBC Studios

Steven Moffat's Doctor Who is at its best when it's tackling big sci-fi ideas with the poetry and beauty of a fairy tale. Case in point – the scene from The Eleventh Hour where Amy finally buys into the Doctor's crazy world.

When the Raggedy Man crashes into her garden demanding food, little Amelia hands the Doctor an apple with a smiley face carved in it. He keeps hold of the apple then disappears for 12 years, leaving Amelia to deal with her abandonment.

So, is there a description of how time travel works as moving and memorable as the Doctor returning to adult Amy with the same apple, still fresh, that she had handed him over a decade earlier?

No, there isn't!

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.