20 Easter Eggs You Didn't Notice In American Horror Story

13. Coven's Finale Telegraphs The Major Twists

You can usually see a death coming in American Horror Story. Any time Kathy Bates looks to be in danger of decapitation, she probably is; two of her characters have met their ends that way. In the fourth season, Maggie Esmeralda's death at the hands of Chester is foreshadowed by Dandy Mott also trying €“ but failing €“ to saw her in half. Coven's finale takes that foreshadowing to even greater heights. Before the final test kicks off, there's a scene where the girls have their last supper before one of them is crowned the new Supreme. Myrtle even tells them that. As she mentions the word €œSupreme€, the camera pans to Cordelia, who does become the new leader of the Salem Coven. Meanwhile, when Myrtle says it could the €œlast meal€ could be taken quite literally for some of the girls at Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies, she's very clearly looking at Misty. During the final exam, it's Misty who meets her maker and can't be resurrected, so hopefully whatever they were eating was suitable for a last supper...

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/