20 Most Exciting Fall TV Premieres

Everything you should get in your eyes this Autumn.

Fall is here! Fall is here! It's a wonderful time of year! The leaves are falling from the trees, the weather is changing, and the harvest is ready to be collected. By which we obviously mean the new raft of TV shows are going to be premiering on both sides of the Atlantic - pretty good timing, since we'll be wanting to spend a lot of time indoors. Outside's bloody freezing, and whenever we leave the house we get loads of gross dry leaves in our hair. Luckily for us there's a heck of a lot of good stuff in this year's harvest of telly programmes, from reality shows to scripted dramas to the sitcoms looking to fill the How I Met Your Mother-shaped hole in our lives. And in our hearts. This is the time of year when the networks, cable channels - and websites, now, because we live in a brave new world of Netflix and Amazon Prime - put their money where their mouths are and gamble on a bunch of new projects to take the place of shows that have finished their runs, gone on a break or been cancelled. There's a fair chance that a bunch of the series they take a punt on will suffer similar fates, but we're not concerned about them. There is a lot of them. No, we've waded through the dozens upon dozens of new programmes that will be vying for your eyeballs' attention in the coming months, and picked out the ones that you actually bother with. Some will make you laugh, some will make you cry, some will probably do a bit of both (intentionally or otherwise). There are movie stars moving to the small screen, new talent making their debut, and the return of some old hands who haven't been on the tube for yonks. There are the twenty most exciting TV shows that are premiering this fall.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/