20 Greatest Moments In Modern Doctor Who

10. Breaking Through The Wall (Heaven Sent)

Doctor Who The Pandorica Opens
BBC Studios

Heaven Sent is the best example of Steven Moffat's love of tricksy plotting and exploring the Doctor's psyche. By literally locking him inside a puzzle box, he gets to explore who the Doctor really is.

Terrance Dicks once stated that the Doctor was never cruel or cowardly, and never gave up or never gave in. The climax of Heaven Sent pushes this to the extreme, by having the Twelfth Doctor endure four billion years of unimaginable pain to punch his way through a diamond wall without once bowing to his Time Lord captors.

All set to the rousing tones of The Shepherd's Boy, Murray Gold's finest composition for Doctor Who, and edited to perfection by Will Oswald and Rachel Talalay. It's a sequence unlike any other in Doctor Who history.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.