20 Greatest Spock Moments

3. Stone Knives and Bear Skins

The Hugo Award-winning The City on the Edge of Forever, considered by many to be the best episode of the original Star Trek series, contains an excellent example of Spock€™s MacGyver-like ability to piece together complicated scientific equipment from whatever is accessible. When Kirk and Spock arrive in New York City during the Great Depression via time portal in order to search for the missing Dr. McCoy, they must figure out exactly how McCoy€™s presence in the past has altered history. To accomplish this, Spock uses radio parts that are, as he says, €œnot very far ahead of stone knives and bear skins,€ to cobble together a device that works in tandem with his tricorder to show images of the timeline he and the captain have entered. The episode also contains one of the best quotes about Spock and Kirk€™s friendship, as Edith Keeler (played by Joan Collins), is asked by Spock, €œWhere would you estimate we belong, Miss Keeler?€, she replies, €œYou? At his side, as if you€™ve always been there and always will.€

Aaron Smith is a writer who can't stick to one genre. He's written horror, mystery, fantasy, and espionage novels and short stories, including new tales of Sherlock Holmes. A lifelong fan of movies, comics, good books, obscure trivia, and the New York Yankees, he lives in northern New Jersey.