20 Greatest Spock Moments

2. When Friends Clash

In one of the last scenes of the aforementioned Amok Time, T€™Pring, the Vulcan woman betrothed to Spock, chooses Captain Kirk as her champion in a fight to the death against him. While most of the original series€™ fight scenes were left to William Shatner€™s Kirk, this time we get to see the captain fight his first officer in a brutal battle that involves two deadly Vulcan weapons, the Lirpa and the Ahn€™woon. The fight culminates with Spock appearing to have killed Kirk, although it is really a ploy designed to end the fight with neither man dying, as Dr. McCoy has injected Kirk with a drug that simulates death. Upon learning that he has, in fact, not slain Kirk, Spock cries out, €œJim!€ in a joyous display of emotion.

Aaron Smith is a writer who can't stick to one genre. He's written horror, mystery, fantasy, and espionage novels and short stories, including new tales of Sherlock Holmes. A lifelong fan of movies, comics, good books, obscure trivia, and the New York Yankees, he lives in northern New Jersey.