20 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About Buffy The Vampire Slayer

3. Tara Could Have Been Resurrected In The Series Finale

Joss Whedon is famous for killing off beloved characters and one of the most famous occasions on which he did this was the brutal killing of Tara in Season Six's Seeing Red. However, if original plans went through, that would have not been the last time she appeared, as Tara was intended to appear twice in Season Seven. First, Tara's image would have been used by the shape-shifting evil entity the First in Conversations With Dead People but actress Amber Benson apparently did not want to soil the character's good memory. Secondly - and far more significantly - the character would have properly appeared in the finale of the show. In one early idea for the episode, the Powers That Be (the godlike beings who usually featured on Angel) would have granted Buffy one wish. Buffy would have later returned home to which Willow answered the door. Buffy would have stood aside to reveal Tara returned to life. This all fell through though when Amber Benson was busy. Sorry Willow, looks like you're stuck with Kennedy.

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