20 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About Hannibal

11. Mads Mikkelsen Recommended Hugh Dancy

hannibal food

Once Mads Mikkelsen was cast in the eponymous role of Hannibal, the rest of the ensemble was sort of built around him. His was a different take on Dr Lecter, an “exotic” foreigner as opposed to the well-spoken English accents of Brian Cox and Anthony Hopkins, and so a different Will Graham was needed to face up to him.

And it was Mikkelsen himself who suggested Hugh Dancy. The British actor has worked steadily for most of his career in both TV and film, but his biggest part before Hannibal was some ten years prior, in the historical epic King Arthur. It was there that Dancy played Galahad, one of Arthur's mythic Knights Of The Round Table.

Meanwhile, one of the other Knights was played by...Mads Mikkelsen! The Danish actor played Tristan and apparently had such a good time on set with Dancy that, a full decade later, he recommend his co-star for the Will Graham role in Hannibal. As if the Fannibals need more reason to hype up the Graham/Lecter bromance.


Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/