20 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About Seinfeld

16. The Show Popularised A Lot Of Phrases

Seinfeld Promo

Due to Seinfeld skyrocketing popularity, it wasn't long before viewers started incorporating the show's lines into everyday life like "a double-dipper" or "a close-talker".

There are some phrases that people regularly use, having no idea that they were coined or popularised by Seinfeld. For example, the phrase "yada yada" is said when a person glosses over information. This expression was said by comedian, Lenny Bruce, but it became a universal phrase once Elaine said it in the episode, The Yada Yada.

When Seinfeld learns of a person who he perceives as his opposite, he calls him Bizarro Jerry, which is a reference to Superman's evil twin, Bizarro. After this episode aired, people began regularly using the word "Bizarro" to reference something that is abnormal.

It's also worth mentioning that some of the best lines in the show were created by accident. In the episode, The Contest, the gang see how long they can go without having sex... including with themselves. When the gang ask each other if they had given in to sex, they say, "Are you still the master of your domain?" since the studio execs forbid overly sexual phrases.

To this day, this phrase is still used when referencing celibacy.

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