20 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About South Park

8. Kyle's Censored Speech In 201 Is About Terrorism Censoring Comedy

Normally Comedy Central is very supportive of South Park's desire to push the limits, but that all changed with the episode 200/201.

200, part one of a two parter, mocks censorship and Comedy Central's unwillingness to broadcast images of Muhammad due to threats of violence. Even though Muhammad isn't actually shown, the episode sparked riots and death threats, and so the network heavily censored its followup, 201. Every single instance of the word Muhammad is censored, and Kyle's final speech explaining the moral is completely bleeped out. The episode was then removed from Comedy Central's website and never broadcast again, and for a while no uncensored version seemed to exist at all.

Later on, the original cut of the episode's ending finally came out, and Kyle's speech is actually about censorship. He says that the only way to stop people from making fun of you is to threaten them with violence. "If there's anything we've all learned, it's that terrorizing people works," he says. So yes, Comedy Central censored a speech about censoring things due to death threats because they were getting death threats. The irony was apparently completely lost on them.

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