20 Mind-Blowing Facts You Never Knew About Breaking Bad

15. Kevin Cordasco Was The Most Important Fan

Breaking Bad Heisenberg

Blood Money, the premiere of The Final Season, came with a dedication "to our friend Kevin Cordasco". Previous dedications had been to those directly related to the cast or crew, but this one was a little different; it's a shout-out to one of the show's biggest fans. Kevin Cordasco, who fought a rare type of brain cancer for seven years, met Bryan Cranston through a family friend and the actor was so moved by his resilience he arranged for some of the rest of the cast to visit him. He was even offered to know how the series would end, but actually refused, worried he wouldn't be able to keep the secret.

Cordasco even had an impact on the ending, which he sadly never got to see; when asked by Vince Gilligan which character's he'd most like to see more of, he said Elliot and Gretchen Schwartz, Walt's former business partners, who reappear in the finale to be intimidated by Heisenberg and his fake assassins.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.