20 Mind-Blowing Facts You Never Knew About Futurama

1. There's A Full-Length Episode Of Everybody Loves Hypnotoad


Who'd have thought such a one-note character would become one of the most enduring elements of the Futurama world? The Hypnotoad's brief cameos in a few episodes has made it a fan favourite across the internet, to the extent where the producers made a special episode of the future's favourite show, Everybody Loves Hypnotoad.

Available on the Bender's Game DVD, Amazon Adventure features the Hypnotoad doing his thing against a white background, his eye jiggling misadventures punctuated with typical sitcom establishing shots.

Better than any of the human produced episodes of the show, Everybody Loves Hypnotoad is a dramatic tour de force that has the audience laughing and crying in equal measure. ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!

Love Futurama? Then make sure you check out our 50 Favourite Episodes and the 10 Most Emotional Moments from the show.

Do you love the Hypnotoad? Do you give it all your glory? Head to the comments and discuss all things Hypnotoad.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.