20 Mind-Blowing Facts About Twin Peaks

4. Audrey Horne Was Supposed To Have A Spin-Off

Whilst the Audrey/Cooper love story that fans were crying out for was sabotaged, Lynch didn't let go of his fascination for Sherilyn Fenn's character. In fact, Audrey Horne was supposed to get spun-off into her own series once Twin Peaks was over. That series would have involved her going to Hollywood to try and become a star, only for the darkness beneath tinsel town to threaten to swallow her whole. Sadly, the Audrey Horne spin-off show never actually came to pass. What did come to pass, however, was Mullholland Drive, a film many hold up as one of Lynch's best, which was originally produced as a pilot for a TV show. A ninety-minute pilot produced for ABC, the same network that aired Twin Peaks, that had a totally different setting but explored many of the same themes as that previous show, albeit writ large and celebrity-sized. Mullholland Drive the series was passed on, so Lynch slightly rejigged it into a film about naïve Naomi Watts looking to make a name for herself in LA, only for forces bigger than her to block her way. Still, she hooks up with Laura Harring, so that's nice. All of that began as Lynch's intended TV series, which was supposed to star Fenn as Audrey leaving the Northwest Passage for pastures new.
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Twin Peaks
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/