20 Most Popular Star Trek Characters Ever

11. Quark

Data Star Trek
CBS Media Ventures

Deep Space Nine really opened out the opportunity to more fully explore none Federation/Starfleet cultures and perspectives. Quark is the best of this, single-handedly transforming the Ferengi from a ridiculous failed villain to a developed and rich culture.

They couldn’t be more different from Starfleet, holding completely opposite philosophies to the point where avarice is their religion.

Quark is the perfect Ferengi in many ways, scheming, plotting, squeezing profit from every opportunity. But, he has a softer side too, giving aid to the Bajorans at cost, working with his brother’s union and generously supporting his mother.

Above all this though, Quark is hilarious. Whether he’s secondary to the plot or the episode is about him. He’s the most fun and funniest character in all of Star Trek. His antics see him in the tightest spots but somehow, he always comes out with some latinum in his pocket and we always come out smiling.


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