20 Most Popular Star Trek Characters Ever

12. Captain Janeway

Data Star Trek

Captain Janeway is magic. She merges two enemy crews in the space of a single two-parter, getting them all in uniform and saluting the flag before the credits roll. She travels seventy thousand lightyears and barely gets a scratch on the ship. Seriously, no star bases, no Starfleet, no support at all. You would at least expect the carpets to look a bit shabby. But, no, every inch pristine. And, she single-handedly reduces the Borg to a minor nuisance.

She is a formidable woman, she is determined, she is uncompromising. Some of the above could have certainly been used to better effect to make the show more interesting. It seemed the writers were more interested in replicating The Next Generation than they were in actually using the core premise of Voyager to its full potential.

But, none of that detracts from the fact that Janeway is a great character. Her determination to remain a Starfleet crew, guided by Starfleet principles, even in the most difficult circumstances is inspiring. We often see Janeway struggle with the decisions she has made, based on the guiding morality of Starfleet, but which without a doubt put her crew in mortal danger. Yet she rises above, she follows her beliefs and supports her crew in theirs.

She takes Starfleet and duty for the common good of the galaxy to a whole new level, time and time again sacrificing Voyagers desperate need for self-interest and instead, always doing the right thing.


Bowen Revill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.