20 Most Popular Star Trek Characters Ever

5. Captain Sisko

Data Star Trek

Who shall we get to follow Captain Picard? People love Picard. The genius in casting the Captains has always been their complete departure from what came before. Sisko is not Picard, just as Picard wasn’t Kirk. There’s just no comparison there.

Sisko is Sisko. He gets his hands dirty, he rolls up his sleeves, he is full of passion, he’s a family man of deep and open emotion, he breaks the rules, and he’s comfortable in a very none Starfleet setting.

Of all the captains, it is Sisko who goes on the most captivating personal journey. It is a fascinating arc as he is slowly adopted by the Bajoran people, at first denying his pivotal role in their culture and overtime accepting and owning his role as the emissary, ultimately becoming one with Bajor.

Sisko isn’t a man who can afford to sit atop of lofty Starfleet ideals, making speeches and impressing his righteousness on all who happen by. He’s just a guy who’s got to get on with the hard and dirty job he’s been given. Undoubtedly, he is helping a culture, his causes are humanitarian, but he’s far less focused on the romantic philosophy of these things and far more concerned with the front-line work of making them happen. He’s far more embedded in the often mundane reality of doing great things, the daily grind of the extraordinary. For this, we love him.


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