20 Most Popular Star Trek Characters Ever

4. Bones

Data Star Trek
CBS Media Ventures

I’m a doctor not a (insert anything). This catchphrase (technically known as a snowclone, for those who like that sort of thing) has carried down Star Trek ever since the good Doctor McCoy coined it as an excuse not to do anything except his contracted duties.

Forming an essential part of the central trio that drew people to Trek, Doctor ‘Bones’ McCoy is a legend. Bones was undoubtedly the soul and conscience of the show, with Spock being the brain and Kirk being the fiery heart. Bones was the straight talking, no nonsense, quick tempered, fun loving, down to earth, relatable medic that everyone loved.

While rough around the edges, he had a compassion for all life and his emotions ran deep -the perfect foil for his counterpart, Spock. You don’t need to use much imagination to see him having a few whiskeys and a pack of Marlboros in his quarters at the end of a long day of saving lives.

He’s so popular, because of all the Star Trek characters, Bones is the most relatable, the most human, the most flawed, the most like all of us. What a guy.


Bowen Revill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.