20 Most Popular Star Trek Characters Ever

2. Captain Picard

Data Star Trek

How do you follow Kirk? God only knows. How about a bald guy, who’s older, naturally uptight and is English not French? Oh, and he’s also the finest actor of his generation. Sound good?

Hell yes!

In the best possible way, Picard is not Kirk and that was the only way to go. If the new captain had held even the slightest resemblance to Kirk they would have never escaped his long shadow.

Picard is Picard. There is simply no comparison.

He’s measured, calm, collected. He’s a bastion of reason and justice. Picard embodies every ideal Star Trek promotes - equality, progressiveness and compassion. He represents hope and as such became the most enduring and popular character to grace the show. He was so compelling as a character that he made a generation of kids growing up in the ‘80s and ‘90s want to emulate a wise old man. What a legend.


Bowen Revill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.