20 Most Popular Star Trek Characters Ever

1. Spock

Data Star Trek

This could only have ended with Spock.

It says something about a character when in just a fifty year period their mantle has been picked up by three different actors. It speaks to something enduring, irresistible, almost Shakespearean about a character when they can be re-interpreted, rejuvenated and re-loved in this way.

Of course, here we’re talking about Leonard Nimoy, who created a character, who, perhaps even more so than Kirk, has entered the popular consciousness and transcended the confines of the franchise he exists in.

Spock was the only character to survive the cull after the first pilot. Gene Roddenberry just knew that there was something special there. Lord, was he right!

Spock’s unmistakable profile, wry wit and alien sex appeal defined the series. Not only did the character add so much, so did Nimoy, directing and producing some of the best instalments of the franchise.

Nimoy did more than define Star Trek; for an entire generation of people, Spock is a defining character in all science-fiction.

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