20 Most Popular Star Trek Characters Ever

17. Garak

Data Star Trek

Mystery surrounds Garek. Until it doesn’t and we find out that he really was all the terrible things we suspected of him.

Is he a simple tailor, is he a gardener, is he an assassin, a spy, a bird a plane? Mystery drives the character forward and keeps us loving him. Who can resist a good mystery? Well, The Satarran of Sothis Three disdain them, but for the rest of us a mystery is irresistible and that’s what keeps us loving Garak.

Of course, in the seven-year run some of that mystery is revealed. Though always shrouded in half-truths and subterfuge we learn more about Garak. It turns out that the truth was as juicy as we all wanted it to be. He was one of the highest-ranking operatives in the feared Obsidian Order. The Cardassian Secret Police. So, essentially, he was responsible for the dirtiest work of the amoral space Nazis of Trek. So, as bad as it could get. But who cares right? He was cool.

Amazingly he was only in 37 episodes of DS9. But in that handful, he gave us mystery, intrigue and redemption.


Bowen Revill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.