20 Most Popular Star Trek Characters Ever

13. Chief O’Brien

Data Star Trek

A love letter to the Chief.

Oh Chief, how we love you. When you suffer it breaks our hearts and oh my god you suffer a lot. Never was there a harder working, more loyal officer than you (oh wait, you’re not an officer). Jesus Christ, you’re adorable. Salt of the earth everyman.

You were perfect for Deep Space Nine. I’m so glad you got off the Enterprise and out of the transporter room. What the hell did you do in there for five years. You must have been climbing the bloody walls. Tell the truth, did you sometimes transport yourself from one side of the pad to the other, just to break up the day. Did you beam some embarrassing magazines into commander Riker’s quarters while he was on a date?

You were wasted in the transporter room, you flourished when you got to DS9, you saved the day all the time. Then again, you got captured a lot too. And before the Enterprise you were in a terrible war. Was the transporter room part of your recovery? Was it your safe place? Maybe you should have stayed there.

I’m glad you didn’t though. I’m glad we got to know you better, even if it was a rocky road. I hope you suffer less now. You teach at the academy, right? It is pretty safe on earth. I’m sure you find a way though.


Bowen Revill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.