20 Most Shocking TV Character Deaths EVER
3. Tara Maclay - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
For a long time, Willow and Tara had the most stable relationship Buffy the Vampire Slayer had ever seen. That was, until the show's sixth season when they broke up due to Willow's destructive addiction to magic.
Now, this storyline was not very well handled, too dark, and horribly gruelling to ever get comfortable with, but there's no denying the power that came with seeing such a beautiful couple torn apart only to eventually - finally - find themselves back in each other's arms.
Reunited, Willow and Tara seemed ready for happily ever after (by Buffy standards, at least), but in the controversial episode "Seeing Red," big bad Warren Mears attempts to shoot Buffy but ends up killing Tara instead, ending the life of one of Buffy's most innocent characters.
Watching Tara die so bluntly, shot down by a stray bullet as she and Willow are spending a day together reconnecting, is a moment many fans will never truly shake. Willow reacts by trying to end the world, and we don't blame her.