20 Old Series Doctor Who Action Figures We Need To Have

1. Big Finish Companions

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeuopJI3dhY Well, what Big Finish fan wouldn€™t want these? And before you protest about this being a small market, I would point out that there€™s an action figure of the Sixth Doctor wearing his blue outfit from the Big Finish produced €œReal Time€ story. Imagine how lovely it would be to have figures of Evelyn, Frobisher and Charlie. I€™d especially love to have an Iris Wildthyme figure (not strictly a companion, but close enough), and of course a Bernice Summerfield action figure would be just about perfect. Plus I'm sure doing a Lucie Miller action figure would be a: popular, and b: easy. I know most of these aren€™t likely to happen, especially the Big Finish stuff, but this is my wish list. Let€™s hope at least some of these are produced soon! HONORABLE MENTION: Womulus and Wemus, Tegan€™s tiny aunt, and the Yeti.
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Chris Swanson is a freelance writer and blogger based in Phoenix, Arizona, where winter happens to other people. His blog is at wilybadger.wordpress.com