20 Most Paused TV Moments Of The Decade

7. Alexander Skarsgard Gets Naked (True Blood - Season 6, Episode 10)

The Moment: After Warlow (Robert Kazinsky) is killed off and his powers to allow vampires to walk in the sun die with him, Eric Northman (Alexander Skasgard) finds himself starting to burn as he lies naked in Sweden, reading a book. As Northman doubles over in pain, there's a brief glimpse at Skasgard's genitalia, because why not? Why It Had To Be Paused: Because while TV is full of female nudity in the likes of The Sopranos, Game of Thrones and so on, graphic male nudity is more difficult to come by, even on networks as permissive as HBO. Still, fans of the hunky star got something of a rare treat, for though Skasgard spends much of his time on the show in states of undress, this was on a whole other level entirely. And frankly, even if you're not even attracted to the guy, the idea of getting to see a famous actor naked is always going to be excuse enough to hit the pause button.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.