20 Things Only People Addicted To Soaps Can Understand

18. Getting Stuck In An Infinite Loop Self-Spoiling

We€™re all guilty of reading spoilers, no matter what type of TV is our drug of choice. The only difference is, if you€™re reading a Walking Dead spoiler then it€™s usually only for one episode or for an event way in the future that you eventually forget about before the episode comes. For soaps, you can read spoilers for almost the whole episode and every episode coming in the next week. While that means you won€™t be sitting on a spoiler for long, it also means that you get stuck in an infinite loop of self-spoiling, watching an episode, and then wondering what happens tomorrow when really you should just wait 24 hours to watch the next stupid episode.
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Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.