20 Things Only People Addicted To Soaps Can Understand

17. Struggling To Maintain A Moral Compass

Repeat after me: having an affair isn€™t normal. Generally the romantic life of people in soaps is fairly eventful. You€™ve got teachers getting with students, married people copping off with people they aren€™t married to, step-siblings getting with each other, and that€™s only the start. Add in the amount of casual crime that€™s usually found, and you€™ve got a recipe for real-life disaster. If you were caught on camera robbing a shop while on probation, chances are a flimsy alibi from your kid is going to be thoroughly investigated. Not on a soap it€™s not. If you watch this every day it can be easy to forget that this isn€™t normal. This is not to say that soaps encourage deviant behaviour (isn't that what video games are for!?), but sometimes you can forget that actions do have consequences.
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Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.