20 Things Only People Addicted To Soaps Can Understand

15. Having To Defend Your TV Choices

€œIt€™s actually really good!€ is the battle cry for everyone that has had to defend their love of a particular soap. And even if they€™re wrong, what€™s so bad about a bit of trash television? It€™s not like it€™s Made in Chelsea or something (sorry to throw any reality TV fans under the bus here.) The fact is, a difference of opinion shouldn€™t tarnish a whole genre of television. Yes, OK, it€™s the TV equivalent of Doritos: trashy, terrible for you, but so easy to eat an entire bag and have no regrets because it was awesome. And it definitely was awesome, so step off.
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Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.