20 TV Characters Who Deserve Their Own Spin-Off

14. Phil Myman/Lem Hewitt (Better Off Ted)

phil The mad scientists from the short-lived series Better Off Ted, Phil and Lem provide a compelling contrast between the more callously capitalist rest of the corporation Veridian Dynamics. Whereas the nameless higher-ups, Veronica, and to a lesser extend Ted himself have Machiavellian tendencies when it comes to the business world, Phil and Lem are purists. They are content with themselves, willing to make crazy inventions simply for the pursuit of science and discovery, regardless if the company they work for uses them for evil. One of the best examples of their inventions was a machine that could be used to translate any language, a babelfish which Ted uses to his advantage to seduce one of the attractive German visitors to Veridian. Unfortunately, the mood gets killed in the bedroom as her dirty talk via the machine is translated with the voice of Phil. But, as we can see from the technical success of the device, a spinoff between these two with more wacky inventions is something we'd all love to have gotten to see.
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