20 TV Characters Who Deserve Their Own Spin-Off

15. Carlton (Fresh Prince of Bel-Air)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zS1cLOIxsQ8 In the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Will Smith finds himself relocated from West Philadelphia to the upper class district of Los Angeles known as Bel-Air. While there, he becomes acquainted with his uncle, two versions of his aunt, a butler and two female cousins. But Will becomes closest with - whether or not they like it - his cousin Carlton. While being similar in age and blood relatives, Will's lax and carefree attitude are at such polar opposites to Carlton's neurotic and conservative prep-student that their differences are matched in television by few outside of Felix and Oscar. Career-driven, Carlton is portrayed as a perennial go-getter, a conservative youth not seen since the likes of Alex Keaton. Vying for Princeton, Carlton's trek to the Ivy League is bereft with pit stops. Among these are a love of Tom Jones, with a patented dance to the hit "It's Not Unusual." We also learn of Carlton's heart, as he bares his soul to Will and his father regarding the effect the tragedy of Trix commercials had on him as a child; these worries are just, as those damn kids really could've just given the rabbit some Trix. Ultimately, the Fresh Prince legacy misses out on following Carlton to the east coast as he transferred into Princeton in the show's final season.
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Nick Fulton hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.