20 TV Episodes That Are Practically Flawless

7. The Simpsons - Homer's Enemy

Better Call Saul
20th Century Fox

What if a normal, hard-working American were to enter the world of The Simpsons? That's essentially what Homer's Enemy works to answer, as the lovable Frank Grimes waltz into town and is driven crazy by Homer's idiocy and inexplicably perfect life.

With Homer at his most charming and well-meaning, this season eight masterclass of comedy leans heavily into the implausibility of The Simpsons' world. Homer is stupid but lovable, his family and friends totally smitten with him, but Frank Grimes (or Grimey, as he liked to be called) is enraged by his antics.

Surprisingly dark and bursting with excellent one-liners, Homer's Enemy is an hilarious tragedy, confidently subverting expectations by making us fall in love with Homer all over again, despite his mountainous flaws and Grimey's grim fate.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.