20 TV Episodes That Are Practically Flawless

6. The Sopranos - College

Better Call Saul

Everyone who has seen The Sopranos will likely call College the episode that hooked them on the show. Only the series' fifth episode, it's the first to show us what kind of man Tony Soprano is capable of being.

Whilst touring colleges with his daughter Meadow, Tony proves to be caring and relieved when they share secrets with each other. It's a tender development, hinting the mobster is a good man at heart, but it's twisted when he comes across a former colleague-turned-snitch, who he hunts down and brutally garrottes to death.

A startling piece of character work that works effortlessly to blend Tony's two lives together -- the family man and the Family man -- College is a troubling, frightening affair that presents Tony as both a monster and a man. This is where The Sopranos was born.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.