20 TV Episodes That Are Practically Flawless

5. Lost - The Constant

Better Call Saul

It took Lost four seasons, but with The Constant it finally produced an episode greater than its galvanising series premiere. Widening the mythology, changing the show's setting, and shifting focus to the tragedy of Desmond Hume, it would never be topped.

Following Desmond as he's inexplicably thrown through time, the episode shines eye-opening light onto the secrets of the Island and Desmond's tragic past, and does so by delivering some of the show's most compelling flashbacks.

With romance, mystery, temporal paradoxes, and a finale that will make even the most hardboiled of viewer well-up with joy, The Constant is Lost at its head-scratching, heartbreaking best, pushing the boundaries of its narrative technique without losing sight of the troubled characters at its centre.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.