20 WTF Moments From Game Of Thrones Season 5

7. The Sons Of The Harpy Strike

Back in Meereen, Dany finally came to her senses and did the right thing, marrying into power and reopening the fighting pits in order to try and appease the masses and bring some semblance of peace to the region. But clearly this wasn't enough. Shortly after Jorah Mormont's victory in the arena, the Sons of the Harpy decide to strike once again, this time going for the top prize and attempting to take out the Queen herself. Were it not for Jorah's precise aim with the spear (did anyone really think he was aiming for Daenerys?) the true heir to the Iron Throne could have been no more. It's another moment which prompts the expression, "well that escalated quickly!" but the opportunity to see Jorah back in Daenerys' good favour, fighting alongside the likes of Daario Naharis made it a season highlight.

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.