There's only one character who even comes close to matching the not-so-dearly departed Joffrey Baratheon when it comes to being a total psychopath and that's Ramsay Bolton. Compared to Ramsay, Joffrey was about as dangerous as a boy plucking wings from an insect. As for House Bolton, the Red Wedding alone puts them at the top of the list of evil families inhabiting Westeros. Roose Bolton's bastard son Ramsay has taken endless delight tormenting both Sansa Stark and Theon Greyjoy - now well and truly resigned to his fate as Ramsay's pet-servant Reek - by constantly bringing up their troubled past, but on his wedding night takes things further by forcing Reek to watch as he rapes Sansa. A marriage consummation has never been this creepy and disturbing. Thanks, Littlefinger...