20 WTF Moments From Game Of Thrones Season 5

16. The Flayed Old Lady

Ramsay Bolton's sexual habits might be cause for considerable discomfort but his passion for flaying people alive makes him truly hideous - which is a pretty good description of the state of the bodies of his victims once he's finished with them. While for the most part we've been spared from watching a full flaying (although for fans of gruesome horror that's probably a bad thing), the sight of the old lady whom Sansa tried to summon to help her escape from Winterfell, splayed in the winter light with her skin removed, is the closest look we've had of the effects of House Bolton's trademark method of torture and execution. While it might be a controversial position, perhaps Reek was right to inform Ramsay of Sansa's plans for escape - he may well have spared her a similar fate.

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.