24: 10 Most Heartbreaking Deaths

9. Curtis Manning (Day 6)

Curtis went through an odd character change which wasn't entirely understandable. In earlier seasons, he'd been a loyal partner to Jack, even when he took on the United States government, which made his actions in Day 6 very uncharacteristic. President Wayne Palmer asks Jack to protect terrorist turned ally, Hamri Al-Assard. Unfortunately, Assard had unknowingly crossed paths with Curtis during Desert Storm and was responsible for the death of his team. After learning Assard was granted a pardon, Curtis takes matters into his own hands and tries to avenge his fallen comrades - Jack pleads with him to stand down but to no avail and is forced to shoot him. His death by Jack's hand left fans distraught; he was a friend who had stuck by Jack and played an important role in bringing corrupt US President Logan to justice. It was an impossible situation which in previous series' Jack had been known to overcome but not this time. Curtis' death is surprisingly anti-climatic, forgotten within minutes once the nuclear bomb went off, and barely gets a mention throughout the rest of the season leaving a sour taste in fans' mouths. He deserved a better death than the one we got.
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An aspiring filmmaker, writer, traveller, and avid comic book fan, with an undying passion for calligraphy and chopping boards shaped like fruit. Genuinely enjoys receiving your hate mail.