24: 10 Most Heartbreaking Deaths

8. Edgar Stiles (Day 5)

By the end of its season, Day 5 had already amassed an impressive casualty list and Edgar's demise was one that undoubtedly pulled at the audience's heart strings the most. A canister of Sentox nerve gas had just been released and CTU is on lockdown. Characters retreat into safe rooms which are quickly sealed to avoid contamination. During the commotion, Edgar has gone searching for a missing employee who he finds dead. While trying to escape, he crosses through the contaminated area and is infected. Chloe helplessly watches her close friend suffer an agonising death from the safety of a glass divider. Edgar was harmless, a man who didn't entirely fit into Jack Bauer's world, but a man who forged his place into every fan's heart. There was not a sour bone in his body; he was a clever, caring but nervous man who fans rooted for. He always put others needs ahead of his own - especially Chloe - and it was a tough moment when he was honoured with the silent clock. You had to be a cold person to not shed a tear for Edgar.
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An aspiring filmmaker, writer, traveller, and avid comic book fan, with an undying passion for calligraphy and chopping boards shaped like fruit. Genuinely enjoys receiving your hate mail.