24 Iconic Moments That Have Defined 24 So Far

3. Omar Hassan Dies (Season 8, Episode 16)

Slumdog Millionaire star Anil Kapoor played the President of the fictional Islamic Republic of Kamistan Omar Hassan on the eighth season of 24, an admirable figure who was attempting to broker peace negotiations between his nation and the United States. However, this made him a prime target for assassination, and after surviving one attempt earlier on in the season, he voluntarily handed himself over to the terrorists, who threatened to deliver a devastating radiological attack over Manhattan if he didn't. Hassan was then brought to a room where he was tortured, and the terrorists then began to read a speech after which they would execute him, all of which was to be broadcast live on the Internet. Jack and Renee managed to breach the apartment, killing everyone inside, before realising that the video stream was airing on a delay, and Hassan had already been killed several minutes earlier. Jack discovers Hassan's horribly mutilated corpse and is left devastated as the episode ends, while Hassan earns a silent clock. One of the few memorable and likeable new characters in 24's later seasons, Hassan's death was a major shock and completely defied the conventions of the series, especially with Fox typically having such a squeamish attitude to detailed gore. It all worked out for Kapoor, though, as he now plays the Jack Bauer character on the Indian remake of the show.

2. Renee Walker Dies (Season 8, Episode 17)

One of the more compelling characters introduced near the end of the show's run was Renee Walker, the FBI agent who initially expressed deep disapproval of Jack's no-nonsense attitude to getting information, though over the course of day seven, began to appreciate the results that his methods would reap. Season 8 features a very different Renee, who has since suffered a mental breakdown and become suicidally despondent, though is brought in as a last resort due to her connection to the Russian mob. Renee ends up hooking up with Jack, and soon thereafter, adhering to the rule that anyone who gets involved with Jack is doomed, is shot with a sniper rifle. Jack rushes her to hospital, but she dies from her wounds, and Jack is once again left distraught, mourning a slain lover. What's more, Renee may have been the only woman in Jack's life to truly understand him: what a shame.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.